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Issue 10 was first released in November 2021 and is our special edition dedicated showcasing all those who identify as male in the pole and aerial industry.


In this issue, we handed the magazine over to male identifying pole dancers and aerialists discussing topics such as "how can the pole industry be more inclusive to men" Written by Charles Philpot, "3 lessons pole has taught me in four years" by Dey Phoenix and "the downplay of hard work and the hyper-sexualisation of men in pole" by Eric Munday. Wink Fitness talks about genderless clothing as well as getting to know some of the faces in the community that can be found in front of and behind the camera through our pole diaries series.


Pole Profiles - Interviews


Callum Stevens

Dan Rosen

James Spicer

Andrew Gregory

Robin De Meyere

Chris Talbot

Dalton Rhodes

Damian Kutryb

Stuart Waters

Joey Payne

Our photographer of the Month was Dan Habershon-Butcher who talks all about what its like being a pole photographer.

Issue 10 - Print

SKU: BM10P10
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