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Photographer - Anna Smith


In House Writers 

Jess - Hello my name is... Rocky Whorror

Kelly - Fashion to Fly in - Rags to Rubys

Kelly - Decade of - Kassia Portas

Em - Putting your journey first

Nat - Imperium Showcase

Jess - Kalm Farm - unpicking pole personalities

Em - Do you have what is take... to open a studio? 

Charles - My first hoop  class

Lauren - The swimmer's body illusion

Em - Being the change you want to see in the industry

Guest Writers

Rike Held - Pole diaries -Poling around the world

Chloe Bennett- Glorified Cabaret - Leeds

Chanel Coppard - The top five - How not to give a fuck


Issue 29 - Print

Only 8 left in stock
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